Importing Grades from DeltaMath


  • You must create assignments in Frontline SIS that match your assignment names in DeltaMath.

  • You must require “Student ID” field in DeltaMath:

In DeltaMath, select Tools then Login / School Information and select Yes for Require Student ID. Ensure all of your students enter their Frontline SIS Local ID in their account.



Step 1: Export your gradebook from DeltaMath:

From DeltaMath, click the Student Data menu then View Assignments to see the Assignment Summary page.

Click the Export button to download your grades.

Note: You must have more than one assignment in DeltaMath for Teachertools to work seamlessly. Teachertools looks for a filename that contain the words “Multiple Assignments” in order to detect a DeltaMath file. If you only export one assignment from DeltaMath, manually rename the file “Multiple Assignments” before importing with Teachertools.


Step 3: Choose Grades

Keep the default Grades option selected and click Download.

Note: The Complete option is not natively supported by Teachertools.
When Grades is selected, the DeltaMath appends “(grade)” to the assignment name, which is automatically removed by Teachertools. When Complete is selected, DeltaMath appends “(complete)” to the assignment name, which is not automatically removed by Teachertools but can be manually removed from the Excel file and then imported.

deltamath export grade.png

Step 3: Drag the file from the downloads bar into Frontline SIS

Click and drag the file from the downloads bar into a blank area on the Frontline SIS gradebook. Let go of the mouse and the file will automatically be detected.

Tip: Open Frontline SIS in a separate tab within the same Chrome window.

Alternatively, click “Choose File” and select an a different file on your computer


Step 4: Choose assignments to import

Teachertools will inform you if assignments were found in the file that were not in Frontline SIS.

Note: If you have the same student in multiple courses within DeltaMath, Teachertools will give you an error that the same student ID appears on multiple rows in the file. It is impossible for Teachertools to know which row it should use for this student and will abort the import process. You can manually delete rows from the export file to make it specific for a single course and then import the modified file.

Blank cells will be ignored by default so as to not overwrite any manually updated grades in Frontline SIS. Uncheck this box if you want blank grades in the file to overwrite existing grades in Frontline SIS.

Emojis in assignment names will be ignored. Learn more


Step 5: Watch and verify

The progress bar will update showing the current progress of the import.
Verify grades transferred correctly.


Step 6: Save

Save your updated grades and repeat for your other sections in Frontline SIS.


 Technical Details

 Deep Dive into the DeltaMath Export File

DeltaMath Export File Details.png

The DeltaMath export file has two main sections:

Student and Course Information

  • Teachertools uses Columns A-D headers to detect a DeltaMath file. The headers must match:

    • Student ID #

    • First

    • Last

    • Period

  • Teachertools uses the Student ID # column to match with the Frontline SIS Local ID.

  • Teachertools also requires that the filename contains the words “Multiple Assignments” to verify it is a DeltaMath export file.
    If you only export a single assignment, rename the file with the words “Multiple Assignments” before importing.
    (“Multiple Assignments (date).xlsx” is the default filename from DeltaMath when there is more than one assignment)


  • Columns E and onward hold the Assignment and Grades information

  • Assignment names are in Row 1

  • Assignment names have “(grade)” appended to them. This is automatically removed by Teachertools.