Importing Grades From a Different System

You can import grades from any spreadsheet as long as it matches a few basic requirements.

This allows you to import grades from other systems such as ZipGrade, DMAC, and others, with few to no manual adjustments.

Pre-requisite: You must create assignments in Frontline SIS that match your assignment names in the spreadsheet that you are importing from.

Spreadsheet requirements:

  • Student ID is in Column A

  • Assignment Names are in Row 1

  • Assignment Names match assignment names in Frontline SIS
    (Can only differ in capitalization and spacing)

  • There are no blank column headers


Frontline SIS

The easiest file to import is one that was exported from Frontline SIS using the Export Grades to Excel button of Teachertools.

It already has the student Local ID in Column A and Assignment Names in Row 1.

You can manually adjust grades or even add new assignment names directly to the spreadsheet.

Save and import to Frontline SIS using Teachertools



In order to import from ZipGrade you need to give each student an ExternalRef number which is equal to their Local ID in Frontline SIS.

When you click the Export to CSV button from ZipGrade it will download a spreadsheet file to your computer with the ExternalRef column in Column B.

Teachertools requires the Local ID to be in Column A.
Simply Right Click on Column A and select Delete since it is not needed. This will move ExternalRef into Column A and allow you to import the file.

Assignment Names are in Row 1 and will be correctly detected by Teachertools.

Save the file and use Teachertools to import it.



When you export a score report from DMAC, rename the column that you are interested in to the corresponding assignment name in Frontline SIS. Save the file and import it.
The other columns can be ignored. Since they will not be found in Frontline SIS they will be listed under the “These assignments were found in Excel but not in TEAMS and will be ignored.” alert when importing. That is OK.

The student Local ID is already in Column A (which is required by Teachertools).



What other systems should we make a tutorial or add support for? Let us know at